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Persimmon Cup

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

Using the persimmon as a serving dish

Persimmon and Walnuts

Persimmon with Tofu (shira-ae) salad

In a bento box


  • Persimmon

  • Mixture and flavor (Walnuts, Tofu, Miso, Mirin, Shio-koji, etc)


  1. Cut out the inside of persimmon using a spoon or melon cutter

  2. Cut into desirable sizes

  3. Mix 2 with roasted and chopped walnuts, miso/mirin or

  4. Mix 2 with *shiara ae (mashed tofu with cut-our persimmon, etc.)


  • Both persimmon and walnuts contain "tannnin (Shibu)", and go well together

  • *Shira ae recipe


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