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Traditional simmered vegetables


  • Vegetables (Shiitake, carrot, lotus root, snow pea, chikuwa, satoimo, gobo, koya dofu, kombu, bamboo shoot, yaki dofu, etc..)

  • Chicken (optional)

  • Dashi, soy sauce, mirin, sake


  1. Cut the vegetables (and chicken)

  2. Boil water, dashi, soy sauce, mirin, sake

  3. Add (chicken), some vegetables first (gobo, carrot, satoimo, konnyaku, shiitake) then the rest (chikuwa, softened koya dofu, snow peas).

  4. Start with high heat, then simmer on low


  • You can cook some ingredients separately and put together at the end if you prefer

  • Tastes better the next day

  • Use mentsuyu (pre mixed dashi soup)

  • Add peas at the end to keep the color fresh

  • On occasions, cut the vegetable in decorative shapes


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