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Stuffed Koya Dofu

Koya Dofu is nutritious and one of the Shojin Ryori


  • Koya Dofu

  • Ground meat

  • Vegetables (green onion, carrot, shiitake, ginger, etc.)

  • Hijiki seaweed

  • Salt & Pepper, Sake, Starch flour (potato flour)

  • Dashi soup, Light Soy Sauce (for lighter color), Mirin, Sake, etc.


  1. Soak in water and soften Koya Dofu (follow package instructions)

  2. Soak and soften hijiki seaweed

  3. Cut Koya Dofu in the desired size, and make a cut in the middle halfway

  4. Chop the vegetables and hijiki into pieces

  5. Mix 4 with ground meat, add salt & pepper, sake, starch flour, mix well

  6. Put the mixture into the cut of Koya Dofu (3)

  7. Cook in plenty of dashi soup (dashi, light soy sauce, sake, mirin, etc,, until the meat is cooked


  • Koya Dofu is frozen-dried tofu, an important ingredient in Buddhist vegetarian cookery (= Shojin Ryori). Product of Koya San (Mt. Koya). It is made of soy, coagulants, and baking soda. It looks like a hard sponge and needs to be soaked before use.

  • Koya Dofu absorbs water, so cook in plenty of dashi soup.

  • Light soy sauce is better if you want to keep the pale color of the ingredients.


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