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#140 Amaharashi Kaigan

Takaoka Shi, Toyama Ken

The Amaharashi Coast (雨晴海岸 Amaharashi Kaigan) is part of the Noto Hantō Quasi-National Park (能登半島国定公園 Noto Hantō Kokutei Kōen). Depending on climate/weather/time of the day, you can view the Onna Iwa (女岩) rocks with the 3,000m snow-capped mountains of the Tateyama Mountain Range (立山連峰 Tateyama Remine) in its background. Recommended before sunset during spring to early summer. The scene is designated as one of Japan's 100 Most Beautiful Beaches (日本の渚百選 Nippon no Nagi Hyakusen). Close to Michino eki "Amaharashi" and JR Himi Line Amaharashi station. (Summer 2023)


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