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#114 Myōjin Pond

Hagi shi, Yamaguchi Ken

The Myojin Pond is located on the east foot of Mt. Kasayama. It was created when a land bridge was formed by a sandbank between Mt. Kasayama and the mainland, and the body of water remaining after the split was filled and became Myojin Pond. It consists of three parts, “oike” (large pond), “nakano-ike” (middle pond) and the “okuno-ike” (inner pond), and as it is connected with the open sea through the gap between the mass of lava rock, you can see the tide as it rises and falls. The lake was called “Benten lake” as Benzaiten (the god of wealth) was enshrined on the northern side of the pond, and it was also called “the teahouse lake” as the feudal lord’s tea room was also built in this picturesque place.

(August, 2022)


​Chinto, Hagi Shi, Yamaguchi Ken



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