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#103 Chuo Jidoshado

Solo drive from Takaido IC to Komaki IC through Chuo Jidoshado highway

Rented Suzuki Hustler and started from ANA Crown Hotel Narita, and stopped at the following IC;


Dangozaka: famous an-pan with stamp (談)as in Dangozaka (談合坂あんぱん)

Futaba: Observatory - no luck with the view of Mt. Fuji (富士山の眺め)

Yatsugadake: Muscat(マスカット)

Suwako: Lake view Excellent food court (諏訪湖)

Komagadake: Apple pie (りんごパイ)

Yamanashi: Lord "Takeda Shingen" (武田信玄)

Kofu: Houtou (ほうとう)noodle

Ena: Excellent food court Shingen Mochi, Kofu grape, Gohei Mochi, Miso Konnyaku, Oyaki, Kuri Kinton from Nakatsugawa

Komaki: continued to west


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