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#164 Boat ride to Miyajima Otogui

Suo Oshima, Yamaguchi ken/Miyajima, Hiroshima ken

A former priest has kindly organized a boat tour from Oshima island to Miyajima, to watch a traditional shinto ceremony, "Otogui Shiki" from the boat.

About 20 people on the boat. A wonderful trip with the view of the islands in Seto Island Sea. Stopped at Atata jima on the way. First time to view my hometown Oshima island from the unusual direction.

Unfortunately, G7 was being held in Hiroshima city and the boat could not go close enough to watch the ceremony this time due to the tight security, but we could observe the priests prying from the distance. (May 15, 2023)

"Otogui Shiki" is one of the most important and authentic ceremony in Miyajima

Dango (balls made of flour) are offered on the float off of the Yabusakiura shrine at the back of Miyajima. Then crow(s) come out and take the dango in their mouths and go to the shrine. People can expect a good harvest if the crow(s) takes away the dango. Also, it is said that those who participate in this ritual will be blessed with good luck.


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