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#124 Hakuseiji (Fuka Jizo)

Okikamuro, Suo Oshima, Yamaguchi Ken

Hakuseiji Temple on Okikamuro Island (connected with a bridge to Oshima island) and its annex enshrine a Jizo Bosatsu, which is said to be the true work of Kobo Daishi, Kukai. Gorgeous wooden sculpture by Choshu Daiku. A huge ginkgo tree on the premise.

Jizo Bosatsu is called Fuka (= shark) Jizo, and the several legends remain:

(In English file:///Users/abbey/Desktop/Translation%20Fuka%20Jizo.html)


​260 Okikamurojima, Suooshima Cho, Oshima Gun, Yamaguchi Ken




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